jeudi 12 mai 2016

Brexit, in or out.

So let's get political, there's about a month left to go before we in the UK vote whether to stay in the EU or leave; what is your decision and why.

Myself I'm voting out, too many migrants coming over from the former eastern block countries keeping wages down in my area that are already the lowest in the UK.
I saw this coming when they allowed these countries to join the EU, IMO it was a deliberate act to allow companies access to cheap labour, more than half the people I work with on the shop floor are eastern europeans, though strangely non of the management, wonder why :rolleyes:

Nice people, intelligent people, hard working, well most of them, and looking to better themselves financially, we have an accountant working for minimum wage because that's more than treble what he gets in Poland for accountancy; and that's my point really, people like these shouldn't be doing the menial work that those UK citizens on benefits should be doing, they should be working hard in their own countries helping to make those economies comparable to ours.

And that takes time, look at what happened when Greece joined the euro, their currency was articficially boosted because their actual economy was a lot lower than the rest of the euro zone, Greece simply didn't have the capital needed when the financial crisis hit in 2008.

Free movement of people is a good concept if all the economies are equal, and that used to be the case when the Common Market was first established, but as it morphed into the EU it turned into something different, nothing more than a cheap labour market for multi national companies run by beaurocrats easliy bought by the lobbyists.

Then there's the Turkey question.

It's taken us about 300 years to shake off our christian fundamentalism, to be enlightened by the age of science and to see how the world and the universe came into being, and how evolution brought humans into existence. We have a problem with Islamic communties now who refuse to look outside their religious texts and integrate into our society, we don't need hundreds of thousands more coming in and doing the same.

I'm not in a position to wait 300 years for them to finally get it and realise that there is in fact no such thing as God, and that it's properly human to want and need sex, to treat women as equally and with the same respect as men and to partake of drugs and have a good time doing so.
Brexit, in or out.

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