mardi 19 avril 2016

dominant eye vs line of aim

i had hard time figuring out what was wrong with my game, as recently it got worse
i saw few coaches, and last month i saw my coach like 3 times

tried new grip, did hard work finding centre of the cueball, worked hard on my aim etc, but i always were missing pots way off the pocket

today i tried something new, as i am right eyed player, i tried to drop my right eye on the line of the aim, it felt that im twisting the head to the left, and suddenly i started potting balls, and the balls were hitting the jaw or mm away from the pocket

i am just wondering why this helped? does it mean i was always offline?
when i went to coach, he said your cue is abit to the left of the chin, while im right eyed player
but today after trying lining up with my right eye, the cue automatically was under the right eye, and my head was twisted to the left and it made it easier to find centre of the white etc

any thoughts?

thank you
dominant eye vs line of aim

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