samedi 12 novembre 2016

Still struggling with screwback

As per the thread title.

I am really struggling to get any consistently reasonable amount of screwback when I am playing. Most of the time I can only manage to screw the ball back about 8 or 9 inches, quite often even less than that, with the very very occasional 12 to 18 inches.

When I play this shot, I get the cue as low as possible at 6 oclock on the cue ball, with the cue as parallel to the table as possible but, I have noticed when watching other players that have much better success at it, that they seem to play the cue ball about 1/3rd of the way up (towards the centre of the cue ball) with the tip angled down as if aiming towards the cloth on the other side of the cueball. This seems to generate much more spin.

Still struggling with screwback

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