jeudi 14 avril 2016


Ok - no 50 yet but last night I played my nemesis - actually my best snooker buddy who usually beats me.

Over the last year, he has won 95% of our 2 a week matches. Winning about 90% of frames.

I narrowly beat him before but last night I scored 62 points in a frame (new record) and hammered him.

It all clicked into place. I made my long reds, i potted everything or left him on the rail.

This was down to mainly one change:

Cue action. I started "pushing" through the ball, almost like I was trying to catch it on the tip and push it to the OB. This made my stroke a lot shorter. Prior I would take a longer BS and kind of "hit" it. It also made my stroke slower.

Very hard to explain but felt like all my power with the ball was generated from the cue through a small (1 in backswing). The acceleration from one inch from impact to chest creates power on its own without the need to have a big backswing run up! I'm not saying I had a smaller backswing, it's more that the delivery is slower until the cue gets closer to the ball, then pushes straight through it.

I could never make slow pots with old technique but I was making slow long reds holding for black, real control on dinky shots....

Is this finally "cueing well" ? Have others been through this or can remember this revelation?

I know the science supports the contact point/power only theory, but boy does accelerating through impact help accuracy!

Comments welcome!

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