vendredi 10 juin 2016

Short Cueing - or is it just Normal Cueing?

So, JVC asking if anyone had a 59" cue, yes, 59"! It got me thinking. The common view is 58" for 6'ters. 57" for shorties at 5'8". and 59" for 6'4". It all depends doesn't it; on stance, arm length and most importantly of all cueing technique and grip. If one is adopting the boxer stance there is no doubt that someone will employ a longer butt hand to cue hand, it's just how you spread your body and arms more from the boxer. They'll need a longer cue. Foot-in-line is a different kettle of fish. We're sighting, cueing and concentrating down the line of one peg, canceling the other foot, certainly less weight on the other foot. And cueing less across the chin as well.

I've been reducing my bridge to ball for a few years now, and I'm down to about 8-9 inches. And today, I went another inch up the butt, and the old hand is nearly ahead of the chamfer so guess I'm only using 55" of my 58" cue and I'm 6'. Am I short cueing, who knows. It just feels normal now. Perversely (according to your club player's mentality of holding the end of the butt and maximising whack) cue power is up a notch (again!) and accuracy up as well. I'm minded of Selby's short bridge to ball. I remember selling a gorgeous maple to a friend because I felt it an inch short, it's probably two inches too long now!

I suppose the old line holds, that whatever your BtB, whatever your cue length, grip, stance, arm length, your cue arm should make no more than a 90 degree angle to the cue. Anything less and you're taking the cue inside the shot line and jabbing, anything much more and you take the cue back, take it offline to the outside, bring it back it and don't cue straight. But I'm also minded by Ronnie saying we should work on reducing our BtB to improve accuracy and reduce error; the grand master knows his beans. For me, reducing to 8-9 inches, with my grip, set-up, stance, etc, yields 55" of cue being used and 3" of overhang. How about you?

Straight cueing is nirvana.

(Chardonnay and football on the other screen; apologies if the english ain't da mustard tonight. Nice one mate, quality mate, cheers mate, lol)
Short Cueing - or is it just Normal Cueing?

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