jeudi 11 février 2016

Decent Cue - £150 - £200 - Doable?

Having looked around eBay and the classifieds on here, I am struggling to find a 3/4 cue in the £150 - £200 range that looks good (there is so much Chinese '**rare** snooker cue £30 starting bid with case and extensions' stuff on eBay I lost the will to live scrolling through the posts after the first few pages). I did buy an unbadged James Butters cue from Andy Gibbs a couple of weeks ago, which I played a few frames with and absolutely loved. It 'felt right'. Unfortunately, it had a slight warp to it and Andy (who was an absolute gentleman and fantastic to deal with, by the way) offered to take it back for a refund. Such a shame.

I am hoping that the new TSF cues from ADR become available sooner rather than later since they look fantastic. However, at the moment I have returned to the game, have no cue and am left to use warped club cues!! Hah. So whilst waiting, I'll think about hedging my bets and see what else is around. Does anyone have any suggestions? I looked at Ton Praram's website, but I don't really want to wait a few months and with import tax, etc... I think they would be well over my budget?

I am not naive. I know that I am not going to pick up an exquisite 'named' cue for my kind of budget, but there must be some decent cues out there for £200!?!? I refuse to believe the pricing of cues has got so ridiculous in the past few years that one must spend over £4/500 to get a half decent cue. I was lucky enough to pick up a JP Classic for £210 when I was last playing regularly, and it was a lovely cue to play with, but it appears that is likely to be a pipe dream now.

Thanks all.
Decent Cue - £150 - £200 - Doable?

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