mercredi 3 février 2016

Found something interesting

I decided to spend the day tidying up the bookcases in my study today and, I found "The Complete Book of Snooker" by Eddie Charlton. I must admit that I had no idea that I had got this book, or at least I certainly didn't remember it (probably shows how much I scan the shelves!)

Anyway, the upshot is that, flicking through the pages, I came across a couple of items under the heading 'Side' and was quite surprised at what I saw. Although I am very much 'an old'un, I always, without fail, play for good position of the cue ball following a pot and obviously on occasion this necessitates the use of side to achieve the goal. I make allowance for this when 'aiming' but my allowances are usually quite small and, having looked at this article and the amount of 'allowance' that Eddie makes took me somewhat by surprise. I certainly have never made the sort of allowance shown in the illustrations I have attached and, this makes me think that the 2 or 3 times out of 5 that I get 'really good' position must be flukes. I get position on the next ball quite frequently but sometimes the next pot is more difficult than I would have liked.

Having looked again at the article, I will make sure that when I play tomorrow, if the opportunities arise, I will make 'more allowance' and see if things improve for me.

I am hoping that the images have uploaded OK and that you can see them. Just in case you can't read the text, the white marks on the cushions in each image, is where Eddie aims the black ball.

Eddie Charlton_1.jpgEddie Charlton_2.jpg
Attached Images
Found something interesting

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