jeudi 24 décembre 2015

First or Second Crack?

Inspired by snookclops, I had a practice today and the intention was to try out Simon's second ball break. What I ended up doing completely unintentionally along the way was the second 'crack' grip, recommended to me some years ago by a snooker professional who reached semis of major tournaments. The cue (with the V ring grip) sits inside the second joint of the back fingers, instead of the first joint. I've played the cue with first crack grip for a few years now and one coach said a tighter grip was counter productive. I've tried the second crack grip before, but always found it too tight. This time round, I was able to open the fingers more in a relaxed way, with the cue staying in the second joints but not going offline on pull back or delivery. I did this by tightening the ring just a little bit, which stabilised the grip giving more freedom to the back fingers opening up without the cue going off line. To my surprise, this lead to straight cueing more of the time. There was no turning in of the wrist or turning out. It does feel like picking up a bar to hit someone a bit and with just a 17oz cue it does feel a tad overdoing things but my word, the accuracy and power is immense, particularly long and middle bag pots. A great revelation but nonetheless scary for obvious reasons.

Not sure what to do now!
First or Second Crack?

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