dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Hi everyone

Hello Everybody,

I have been meaning to become a member of this fantastic snooker site for some time. Although I do not personally play snooker, I am an avid fan. It all happened in the summer of 1985 whilst getting lost along the north circular road around London trying to find my way to the M4 with 2 screaming children in the back of my car. I had to stop the car because I couldn't hear myself think. In those days we didn't have the luxury of a tom tom or other device to bring us to our destination, we had to fight with maps which were quite often far to big for the most of us, especially to look at it whilst being in the car, so I got out of the car and placed the map on the roof of my car so I could try and find out where I was, lots of people wearing head gear walking past my badly parked car totally oblivious to the situation I had found myself in! One of my first trips back to the UK after moving to the Netherlands in 1979 on my own in the car with 2 young children in tow. I had almost given up when a car pulled up behind me and a very nice looking gentleman came up and asked me if he could be of assistance to me, I just lost it, crying blurting out it had taken me all of 5 hours to get from Dover to this part of London and I didn't know where I was, and couldn't turn back even if I had wanted to, he was very kind even gave me his handkerchief to wipe my tears, he looked at my map and promptly turned it around, saying I was looking at it upside down 'women drivers' I muttered under my breath, little did he know I had looked at that map from all directions and still couldn't put a finger on where I was! Anyway to cut a long story short this very kind gentleman said in a cockney accent, which by the way I had to ask twice what he was saying, said "Lawd above! follow me, Im goin' around what way myself, I shall make sure yew get on da right road. , innit" I flung my arms around him jumped in my car and followed, afraid of losing him at every traffic light, oh boy what a lot of traffic lights, more panic! Just before we arrived at the turning for the M4 my 'white' night gestured with indicator to pull over, which of course I did without even looking to see what was behind me. My guardian angel jumped out of his car came over to mine and said "Gawdon Bennet! you'll be ok now, just follow da signs an' yew'll get onto da M4 an' I am sure yew'll find yaaahr way then, by da way me name is Jimmy, Jimmy White" I looked at him as if he was talking in Chinese or some other strange language, was I supposed to know this person? so I promptly gave him my hand and said "Hi Jimmy, thank you for all your help, by the way, my name is Janette, Janette Scharenborg, anytime you find yourself in Holland give me a call and I will buy you a drink for helping me today" I gave him my card, he was searching though his pockets, for something, maybe a card, no, out came a pen, then asking me "Gawdon Bennet! do yew 'ave somethin' I can write on" so I gave him the map which had caused this in the first place. Jimmy wrote his name and signed it saying "Blimey! one day dis signature'll be worf a lot ov money, when I win da world title what is. Nuff said, yeah?" I just said thank you and went on my way thinking, what a very strange man!

I arrived late at night at my friends in Cardiff we both put my kids to bed and we settled down to a nice gin and tonic, duty free always tastes that much better, and I began to tell her the story of this very strange man who had come to my help in the middle of London, her husband asking us to dim it as he was trying to watch the snooker! he was a massive snooker fan and played the game himself. Anyway when I came to the part about when Jimmy told me his name, Glen said WHAT YOU MET JIMMY WHITE THE LEGEND AND YOU DIDNT KNOW WHO HE WAS (actually he used a few swear words in that which I cannot repeat) You can imagine my surprise when I found out just who had helped me on that hot summer evening in the middle of London. So that was my introduction to Snooker. I also had the privilege of meeting our Jimmy once more in 1992 at the world snooker in the Crucible where he did a most fantastic 147 I nearly got thrown out for not being able to keep quiet or still!! It took a while before he remembered me, but he did. Yes I'm hooked on snooker, I watch nearly all televised games and have seen some hero's come and go, but for me JIMMY WHITE will remain my number one. :biggrin-new:
Hi everyone

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