mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Snooker Research (Relative Shot Difficulty)

I'm doing some academic research on the game of snooker and part of this involves giving a numerical approximation to how difficult a shot is compared to other shots. It'd be really useful if I could get some answers and information from members of this forum as to which of the following factors (and any other factors) impact the difficulty of a shot, ranging from most impacting to least impacting.

The factors we have so far are:

- Distance between cue ball and object ball.
- Distance between object ball and pocket.
- Distance between cushion and cue ball.
- Distance between cushion and object ball.
- Angle of attempted pot (with a higher angle or 'thinner' shot thought to be harder).

To keep things a bit simpler, for the moment we are assuming that all shots are hit without spin (or back/top), and that all shots are played at the same pace. The table also is assumed to be flat!

If each person who replies could rate between 1 (no impact) and 10 (extremely high impact) the factors mentioned above, as well as any others that spring to mind, it would be most appreciated.

Thank you for your time :) .
Snooker Research (Relative Shot Difficulty)

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