samedi 2 juillet 2016

Strange Cue Phenomenon

I have just received a new cue and like I always do I take it down to my snooker club and try it out. I always hold my cues with the badge in the 'up' position but sometimes when the cue doesn't 'feel' right I then try holding the cue with the badge facing out or down or in.

Today, my new cue is a very old maple cue with a lovely old golden colour and no visible marks on the maple. I began by holding the cue with the badge facing up and the cue played really nice and felt good but I always experiment and so tried holding the cue in the main four different positions. When I held the cue with the badge facing 'in' then the feel and hit felt perfect. I couldn't believe what a difference in the feel of the cue between my normal 'badge up' and the 'badge in' position and then spent the next hour doing line ups and potting long blues and couldn't believe what a difference there was.

I have tried this before with ash cues and have found similar differences of the 'feel' of the cue depending where you hold it so just wondered if anyone else has found the same or do you just persevere with holding the cue in the same position all the time?

I suppose it could depend on the tip and what part of the tip hits the cue ball!!

Oldgit :)
Strange Cue Phenomenon

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