dimanche 23 octobre 2016

Issue with deep screw shots - hitting vs timing

Evening all,

Hope everyone's had a good day. Not been playing Snooker for long, started January this year and my cueing has improved massively since. One key shot I'm having trouble with is the deep screw - on shots where I need to screw the ball back some distance, I find myself "hitting" the ball rather than timing it, which often causes a miscue and the cue ball jumps. On softer screw shots, my I accelerate the cue nicely through the cue ball and have no trouble at all bringing it back, but when I try for a deep screw I find myself snatching at the cue and almost punching the cue ball rather than accelerating through.

My question is, are there any exercises I can do to improve my timing on the deeper screw shots? I've tried practising over and over but I end up getting frustrated which makes things worse. If there are any structured methods which gradually improve this issue, that would be great.

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards,
Issue with deep screw shots - hitting vs timing

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