mardi 18 octobre 2016

Natural cueing

How many of you use chin/chest contacts because you either have seen the pro players on TV, watched better players or maybe took a coaching session?
As much as 4 point contact helps and I personally love it, perhaps it can also hide some problems with cue alignment.

Just for fun I tried some 2 point contact cueing with head above the cue which I like to call "natural" and indeed it looks like I have become perhaps a bit too dependent on 4 point contact.
Despite my efforts to bring chest to the cue and not the other way around, I feel like I adjust a bit too much sometimes while down on shot.

Ideally a player should be able to cue fully straight with just two contact points and only then add 4 points to get that extra confidence and stability. Right?
What if somebody told top professionals that from now on 4 point contact is not allowed? :) How far do you think their standard would drop? I won't name any names but some of them look to me like they could not play top level stuff with just 2 points of contact. Thoughts?
Natural cueing

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