jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Judd Trump Set-up

Ok, maybe not the best day to discuss given what happened in Shanghai.

So I'm finishing a session this lunch, got 15mins spare and just messin around, which I like to do, see how many amazin balls I can nail; free sparring I calls it. I'm over the top end hole facing a long red, a foot away, CB 18'' off both cushions, pretty straight. Obvious shot is to play a stop shot and pot the black afterwards. Then I'm wonderin if I can top spin the ball and take the CB off the middle of the baulk cushion and back down, landing on the black. I'm thinking, Ace, you can screw 24ft with your shizzle but top spinin the ball 24ft is a big ask given I generally rake slightly higher than rail height (this helps screw). Ka-ching, play it like Judd! So I gets down in the JT stance, L shoulder down and slightly tucked in, cueing under the sternum and nipple, brushing the hip. And I thought, the shot is easy, simply hit it as smoothly and as hard as you can on the heighest point on the CB without miscueing. And whatever you do Ace, pause the stroke, and look at the OB last!

So that's what I did and man, I nailed that ball and took the CB all the way to the baulk and back to the top cushion, then cut back potted the black in (with the JT set-up again) from the top cushion.

Tried it a few more times and like wow, that's the best travel I've ever had on a CB. Now remember, this is a slowish 6811T not a no.10 so I reckon maybe 30ft+ on a no.10. Tried some stun and run through shots and noticed more travel than usual again.

So the JT set-up is pretty low down; sniper territory. Ran out of time but thinking of trying it out again, next time in the balls, opening the pack, etc. Incredible power?

Has anyone tried the JT set-up and what did you find?
Judd Trump Set-up

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