mardi 6 décembre 2016


Ok - I gave up playing because despite 10+ hours a week practice, I still could never beat my friend who turned up once a week and whooped me!

I recently wondered if just isolating and concentrating on the actual act of cueing - I.e working on the LINE of the cue. I mainly worked on rhythm and follow through.

What I found is that I often cue right and the cue seems to wobble about.

My wrist is turned in in my natural cueing, almost with palm under cue.

I wonder if the fact my only contact points are bridge, chin and hand. I don't have a chest contact.

The cue doesn't want to go straight on rails, I am wondering if the I need a chest contact?

I am also wondering if I have fundamental issues with my setup and grip.

Any help for anchoring the cue in a straight line through the ball?

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